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view verb_forms where verb_form.text ends with "t"
This returns every verb form that ends with a 't', sorted by the verb_form's variety and then subject.
Try this exampleview verb_forms where verb_form.text ends with "t" sorting by verb_form.variety, verb_form.verb, verb_form.grammatical_category, verb_form.subject
This returns every verb form that ends with a 't', sorted by the verb_form's variety and then subject.
Try this exampleview varieties where variety has grammatical_category where ( grammatical_category.no_form is True and grammatical_category.name = "Gerund" ) sorting by variety
This returns every variety that has a verb that has no form for the Gerund.
Try this exampleview verb_forms where verb_form.variety.dialect contains "French" and ( verb_form.grammatical_category.name = "present subjunctive" or ( verb_form.grammatical_category.name = "present indicative" and verb_form.subject = "1PL" ) ) sorting by verb_form.variety, verb_form.verb, verb_form.grammatical_category, verb_form.subject
This returns every verb form from any French variety where the grammatical category is either the Present Subjunctive or the subject is 1PL and the grammatical category is Present Indicative.
Try this exampleview verb_forms where verb_form.variety.dialect contains "French" and verb_form.subject in ["1SG", "1PL"] sorting by verb_form.variety, verb_form.verb, verb_form.grammatical_category, verb_form.subject
This returns every verb form where the subject is either first person singular or first person plural from any French variety.
Try this exampleTips and Tricks
- Use contains to cut the amount of typing required; e.g. write variety.dialect contains "Ligurian - Genovese" rather than variety.dialect = "Italian - Northern I - Ligurian - Genovese".
- Use the symbol * for 'any character' (e.g. verb_form.text ends with "t*" would return any verb_form that ends with followed by exactly one character)."
Formal Specification
A query is a statement of the form view <object_type> where <expression> sorting by <sort_statement> where the sort statement is optional and:
- <object_type> is one of varieties, verbs and verb_forms and specifies the type of object that you wish to retrieve.
- <sort_statement> consists of a comma-separated list of <property> elements that specify the sort order of the results. verb_form.variety, verb_form.subject
<property> is one of:
- verb_form
- verb_form.text
- verb_form.subject
- verb_form.variety
- verb_form.verb
- verb_form.grammatical_category
- grammatical_category.no_form
- grammatical_category.name
- grammatical_category.verb
- grammatical_category.variety
- verb
- verb.etymon
- verb_form.variety
- variety
- variety.dialect
<expression> is one of the following:
- (<expression>) which is true if the expression is;
- <expression> and <expression> which is true if both expressions are true;
- <expression> or <expression> which is true if one of expressions is true;
- not <expression> which is true if the expression is false;
- <property> = "<value>" which is true if the property is exactly equal to the value;
- <property> != "<value>" which is equivalent to not (<property> = "<value>");
- <property> contains "<value>" which is true if the property contains the value somewhere in it;
- <property> begins with "<value>" which is true if the property starts with the value;
- <property> ends with "<value>" which is true if the property ends with the value;
- <property> in [<values>] where <values> is a comma separated list of "<value>" elements and is true if the property is exactly equal to a value in the list;
- <property> is True which is true if the property is True;
- <property> is False which is true if the property is False;
- <object> has <child_object> where (<expression>) where <object> and <child_object> are each one of verb_form, verb, grammatical_category and variety. It is true if <object> contains a <child_object> such that <expression> is true.